EduMaster, s.r.o., skoleni FR-411

Školení: FR-411

OpenIDM Development Boot Camp

  • kurz ForgeRock
  • délka kurzu: 4 dny
  • kategorie: Identity

Nejbližší termíny:

Kurz není v nejbližší době naplánován. Kontaktujte nás a pokusíme se Vám vyjít vstříc.


This course will provide the students with a detailed introduction to the OpenIDM customization APIs. The main goal of the course is to give delegates an understanding of appropriate OpenIDM customisation. The course focuses on the areas that are important during a product deployment. It will also provide students with the fundamental knowledge on how to run an OpenIDM project.

The course is aimed for developers who are responsible for customisation of the OpenIDM product, and integration with other identity systems.

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